Python Script for Maya – Bake a child’s animation to worldspace
Hey, I wrote this script that duplicates all selected child-objects and bakes their translation, rotation and scale animation to worldspace. Adjust the range with the timeslider.
Maybe someone finds this useful, too.
Cheers Steffen
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Thanks a lot for this script. It helped me a lot. It works in Maya 2023 and 2024.
Genius!!!!! thancks!!!
THanks, Richter, it works well
Yes, just what I was looking for, thanks!
This works so well, terrific job, and thanks for sharing!
Thank you. Saved me a ton of headaches. Works in. Maya 2019.
tip notes:
Have a child to the parent even if you have to add an extra end joint.
Bake the parent then run script on the child (which should have a child).
Thanks again.
[…] so I went looking online for help. I found a free python code specifically for this problem on Steffen Richter’s blog. The code essentially duplicates the child object and bakes it to worldspace, meaning the torch had […]
Such a cool script. Just so good!
Super – and thanks! This fixed my Maya animation export problem 🙂
[…] ended up using Steffen Richter’s bakeToWorld_pythonScript ( which worked out perfectly for […]
Hi there! Awesome little script!
There’s a new version now.
Hello there, it’s exactly what I am looking for but I’m gettin this error:
# Error: TypeError: file line 29: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘__getitem__’ #
and I have no idea what that could mean! 😀